Geek Dudes Podcast
Geek Dudes S4 Ep15

Hey Noooow!

The Geek Dudes have returned from a 5 week break to do what they do best-Sing incredibly badly!...Oh and discuss everything that caught their attention in the worlds of geekery and pop culture!

FORCE FRIDAY is the big topic on this episode as Fresh recaps his midnight journey to buy some plastic greatness!

Lets just say, it wasnt exactly everything he hoped for so you can only imagine how this is gunna go.

Jonsey also recaps the geeky stuff he did on his U.K trip including a look at the awesome sounding 'Secret Cinema'.

All that plus heaps more news and discussion so join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey on a really fun episode.

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4 Ep14

Hey nooow a new Geek Dudes episode is here and its wearing a shrinking suit and will enter you through your ear canal then expand and BLOW YOUR MIND!

Or at least entertain you for an hour or so!

Join Dave, Mitch, Chris and Jonsey as they not only talk all the happenings in the worlds of geek and pop culture as well as look at Marvels latest cinematic offering: Ant Man!

All that plus a heap more, listen and tell your friends to listen...TELL THEM *Shakes fist

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4 Ep13

Sure you have listened to many Comic Con recap podcasts..but they wont be as good as S4 Ep 13 of The Geek Dudes Podcast!

Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they go gaga over what was a pretty awesome SDCC.

From Batman V Superman to Star Wars, Deadpool, Suicide Squad, X-Men...its all in there!

A Super fun episode covering geekdom in a way NSFW fashion

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4 Ep12

The Geek Dudes are here with a new episode in all their pre SDCC excitement glory!

Join Chris, Mitch, Brave Dave and Paul Jones as the preview Comic Con and discuss all the news and happenings in the worlds of geek and pop culture that caught their attention


Good Times....

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4 Ep11

Hey now!

The Park opened and some of us frollickd (thats what you do in parks isnt it??)

The Geek Dudes take a look at the mega hit 'Jurassic World'.

We have also recovered from the abuse that Season 5 of Game Of Thrones and show you where the bad man (George RR Martin) touched us (the feels)

Along with the usualy loo at the happenings in the worlds of geekery and popculture, The Dudes take a look at E3.


A bombastic episode as always, go give your ears a treat!

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:44am AEST

Geek Dudes S4 Ep10

An all new episode of The Geek Dudes Podcast is here!


Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey for S4 Ep10 as they discuss all the latest news and happenings in the worlds of Geek and Pop Culture that caught their attention.

Supergirl, Flash, Star Wars, VR Headsets, Batbum, Breast Milk-ALL topics on this could you not listen????

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am AEST

Geek Dudes S4 Ep9

The Geek Dudes are here to start a war...start a nuclear war!

Join Dave, Chris, Mitch and Jonsey in a short but sweet burst of geeky goodness.

The Dudes take a look at the Supergirl preview, talk DC's Legends Of Tomorrow and all the geeky news and happenings that caught their attention.




Direct download: GeekDudesS4E9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26am AEST

Geek Dudes S4 E8

The Geek Dudes are back and theres no strings on them!

Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they take a look at Avengers: Age Of Ultron

What did The Dudes think?

Well they didnt all agree (surprise, surprise).

They also discuss the Vanity Fair Star Wars reveals, Joss getting attacked by feminists, The Jokers tatts and the Suicide Squad images.

Along with the usual fun discussions about all the stuff that caught their eyes in the worlds of geekery and pop culture, this is a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man sized fun episode!





Direct download: GeekDudesS4E8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am AEST

Geek Dudes S4 E7

Tell me, do you bleed?

Well if you do, grab a band-aid and strap yourself in for the appropriatley numbered Episode 7 of Season 4 of The Geek Dudes Podcast.

The world has gone trailer crazy and the Geek Dudes are no different.

Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they look in-depth at the AWESOME Force Awakens and Dawn Of Justice trailers.

In an all trailer-all the time episode the Dudes also checkout the Fantastic 4 and Jurassic World offerings!

Theres also a look at Star Wars Celebration and all the usual fun discussions about what caught our attention in the worlds of popculture and geekery.

A really fun episode that we hope you enjoy listening to as much as we enjoyed recording it.

Stay tuned for our next episode where we will review Age Of Ultron


Direct download: GeekDudesS4E7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:54pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4E6

Hey nooow Geek Dudes return for a firey episode!


Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they take an excited look at the first episode of the Netflix series Daredevil!

They also have a very passionate 'discussion' about potential issues with DC's TV and movie universe and look at the implications of iiNet handing over the details of their custmers that pirated Dallas Buyers Club.

Plenty of other talk about all the things in geek ad pop culture that caught their attention.

A fun/intense episode!

The Dudes will be back next week to discuss their thoughts on The Force Awakens and Dawn Of Jutice trailers.


Direct download: GeekDudesS4E6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am AEST

Geek Dudes S4E5

The Geek Dudes are back and have failed this city (and the world of podcasting in general really)

Come join Dave, Mitch, Chris and Jonsey as they discuss the latest news and happenings that caught their attention in the worlds of geek and pop culture.


Netflix Au has launched head to head against Foxtels IO3 and they Dudes take a look at their offerings. They also discuss the horrible debut of Powers, a controversial TMNT death, Chris turns the corner on Shia Labeouf and Dave walks out again.


Give it a listen, you know you want to.....

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:26am AEST

Geek Dudes S4 E4

Hey nooow S4 E4 of the Geek Dudes Podcast is here and newsflsh: The Power Rangers STILL suck!


Join Dave, Jonsey, Mitch and Chris as the discuss everything that caused swelling in the pants in the worlds of geek and popculture.

Star Wars annoucements a plenty is a great cause of excitement and the Dudes break it down as only they can.

Also alot of carry on about Supes and Wonder Womens new gear, a potential new He Man movie, Ghostbusters get a 'Universe' and much more fun stuff


Download it and tell everyone around you to as well damn it!

P.S this show is always NSFW 

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:42pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4E3

The Geek Dudes are back and they are here to point out how fruity the Power Rangers are!

Join Chris, Brave Dave, Dirty Uncle Mitch and Jonsey as they discuss the New York Toy Fair, the Aquman picture and who exactly are the 7 getting united? Attacks on podcasts that use skype and an even more vicious attack on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

A fun...but a little angry episode!



Direct download: GeekDudesS4E3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm AEST

Geek Dudes S4E2

Hey Noooow!

The Geek Dudes dance into your listening device for the 2nd episode of our 4th season


Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they discuss the goings on in the geek world.

Hear their enthusiasm (or lack of?) about Spideys web slinging return to the Marvel cinematic universe, Chris rudely haults the show to watch the Daredevil trailer while Mitch watches the trailer for Magic Mike 2, they ask who is Reverse Flash? The disapointment of Star Wars issue 2 and so much more fun stuff is gone over.


Give it a listen and demand your friends and loved ones do or we will reveal the shocking details of their Tinder date with Jonsey.


Direct download: GeekDudesS4E2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:40am AEST

Geek Dudes S4 E1

Hey nooooooow fellow Geeks!


The Geek Dudes have finally recovered from Christmas and the New Year are back for SEASON 4.

Join Chris, Dave, Dirty Uncle Mitch and Jonsey as they catch up on all the Geeky happenings over the Australian Summer and discuss what they got for Christmas, what they saw, read and watched and somehow end up on a long discussion about Hey Hey Its Saturday

Direct download: GeekDudesS4E1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:51am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 Ep20

Ho Ho Hey Nooow

A Christmas miracle has occured as the Geek Dudes release two episodes in the same week as their Christmas special drops in time for the Yule Tide season.

Grab some egg nog and join Jonsey, Chris, Brave Dave and Dirty Uncle Mitch for the last episode of Season 3.


Thanks for for your continued support in 2014 and we hope you had as much fun listening as we had recording.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year and we look forward to seeing you for Season 4 in 2015 which will be a massive year in Geekdom


Direct download: GeekDudesS3E20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:23pm AEST

Geek Dudes S3 Ep19

Theres been an awakening, have you felt it?

Well the Geek Dudes felt it and discuss their thoughts and feelings on S3 Ep19 of The Geek Dudes Podcast.

Join Dave, Chris, Mitch and Jonsey as they not only discuss the Force Awakens teaser but all the news and happenings in Geek and Pop Culture that caught their attention.

They also get into an indepth discussion on censorship after the recent bannings of GTA in Target and Kmart stores.

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:43pm AEST

Forget all the fan made versions, the offical 18th episoide of Season 3 of The Geek Dudes Podcast is here!


Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they discuss whats caught their attention in Geekdom and Pop Culture as only they can.

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E17

Episode 17 of Season 3 of the Geek Dudes Podcast is here and you will never believe who gets killed in this one!


Join Chris, Dirty Uncle Mitch, Brave Dave and Jonsey as they discuss all the geeky news and happenings that caught their interest.

(Record Date 24/10/14)

Leave feedback and chat with us at:

Twitter: @geekdudes


Direct download: GeekDudesS3E17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:29am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E16

Season 3 Episode 16 of the Geek Dudes Podcast is here and you know what that means right?

It means "Geek Dudes 3:16 says we just whooped your ass!"

In a special super sized episode we are joing by wrestling star and geek- Dowie James, holder of ALL of the belts.

Dowie fits right in as he is loaded with Geeky knowledge, opinion and controversy,

So join Chris, Brave Dave, Jonsey and Dowie as the cover all the Geek news that grabbed their attention and the usual carry on as only they can

Subscribe on itunes

and chat with us/leave feedback:

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E15

Hey Noooow,

Ready to get your geek on? Well whats better to get it on with other than S3 E15 of geek greatness that is The Geek Dudes Podcast???

Join Chris, Dirty Uncle Mitch and Jonsey for geek, collectables and pop culture discussion done as only they can...and then have that discussion break down into a talk about the height of trading card collecting in the 90's!

A fun episode as always

Please spread the word and join us at facebook and chat with us on Twitter @geekdudes

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:54am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E14


S3 E14 of The Geek Dudes Podcast has finally arrived!

Join Dave, Mitch, Chris and Jonsey as they take a look at the new TMNT movie.

Also, along with all the usual fun topics/segments they get into a big tech discussion with the iphone 6 release that leads into talk about Australias love of piracy and what got us to that point.



Direct download: GeekDudesS3E14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:36pm AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E13


Yup, Geek Dudes S3 E13 is here and the team take a long awaited look at Guardians Of The Galaxy!!!!!

You have all had long enough to see it so join, Chris, Jonsey, Mitch and 'Nick Cave' Dave as we look at an awesomely fun movie and much more as only the Geek Dudes can

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:56am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E12

Heeey nooooow,

The Geek Dudes Podcast S3 E12 is finally here!


On this episode, Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey go Geek-Gaga over this years SDCC!

Theres soooo much to discuss so stop reading and start listening damn it!


Direct download: GeekDudesS3E12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41am AEST

Geek Dudes Podcast S2E11

"This is the weirdest start to a Podcast we have done"- Brave Dave

Yup, the Geek Dudes return to discuss the Geeky News and happenings that has caught their intrest, in a style only they can.


Join Jonsey, Mitch, Dave and Chris for another fun episode



Direct download: GeekDudesS3E11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:03am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E10

The Geek Dudes return for the momentthey have been dreading for over a year: Reviewing Transformers: Age Of Extinsion


Sure Chris, Jonsey, Brave Dave and Mitch discuss other geeky stuff but this is dominated by the passion this movie provoked.

WARNING: If you liked TF4 you will be personally attacked. You character will be called into question by a raving lunatic so if that would offend you, this isnt the episode for you

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21am AEST

Geek Dudes S3E9

S3 E9 of The Geek Dudes Podcast is here and it features hosts who have visable nostrils unlike Ninja Turtles, as we all know their nostrils ARENT featured

(looking at you Michael Bay)


Chris, Jonsey, Dirty Uncle Mitch and The Strangest and Bravest Of All Daves return to discuss DC's movie plan for the next few years, Khal Drago cast as Aquaman? Is Jennifer Connely hot? Dave's wrapped Harrison Ford broke his ankle,  Game Of Throne finale discussion, The great Australian Piracy debate, Zero Year wont end, E3 Games discussion and much more.

A fun episode as always so check it out!


Direct download: GeekDudesS3E9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E8

Heeeyyyy Noooow Geekdudelets!

S3 E8 of the Geek Dudes Podcast is here and has had Edgar Wright leave it due to script changes.

Chris, Jonsey, Dirty Uncle Mitch and Brave Dave get all geeky over such things as Batman V Superman: "DAWN OF JUSTICE!!!!!', Dave has stupid facebook friends, Edgar Wright bails on Ant Man, Spoiler freeish look at X-Men Days Of Future Past, Chris is sick of 'Hah Ha', Cybertrionian love, The Goodies and so much more.

A fun episode delivered in a way only The Geek Dudes can so check it out!

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47am AEST

Geek Dudes S3E7

Heeeyyyy Noooow Geekdude-a-maniacs!

S3 E7 of the Geek Dudes Podcast is here to ride your heardrums like Optimus rides Grimlock.


Chris, Jonsey, Dirty Uncle Mitch and Brave Dave aka 'Sunkissed Genghis Rex' get all geeky over such things as Batman vs Superman and Batmans shorty ears,Star Wars begins filming, Constantine, Arrow Watch, Dave breaks down The Flash Trailer, Godzilla, Transformers comics and so much more.


A fun episode delivered in a way only The Geek Dudes can so check it out!

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E6

The Geek Dudes are back and are all giddy over the BIG movie announcements in the geek world!

Dave, Dirty Uncle Mitch, Chris and Jonsey discuss all the news surrounding The Justice League announcemnt, Star Wars casting news, was Amazing Spiderman 2 amazing? The awesomness of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D and Arrow and much, much more

a really fun episode so check it out

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am AEST

Geek Dudes S3E5

The Geek Dudes are back for an all new episode and have gone Cap crazy after seeing The Winter Soldier!


Join Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey as they discuss all things geeky in their usual unique way.

Aside from Cap 2, the team discuss everything from Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Game Of Thrones and how longs an appropriate wait time to discuss? Who isnt bothering seeing Spideys latest adventure, Brian Singers woes and much more!


A fun episode (as always)



Direct download: GeekDudesS3E5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E4 AUS Toy Fair special

The Geek Dudes return in a special episode where Chris, Mitch and Jonsey invade the Australian Toy, Hobby and Nursery Fair.

The guys seek out all things cool and geeky that is due to come out in Australia in 2014 and naturally not everything goes to plan.

But hear about offerings from TMNT,Figz,Godzilla,Lego and much more.

Also we have an all new episode after the coverage where Dave returns and we cover everything thats happening in TV, Movies and Comics.


A really fun episode so check it out!

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:47am AEST

The Geek Dudes return for an all new episode.

Join Chris, Mitch and Jonsey as they discuss all the geeky and pop culture happenings of the past 2 weeks.


Direct download: GeekDudesS3E3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 Ep2

The Geek Dudes return for an all new episode!

Chris, Dave, Mitch and Jonsey discuss all the geeky news and happenings of the past 2 weeks.

By the time this episode ends, they not only jump the shark but they take a dump on it as they pass over.


Direct download: GeekDudesS3E2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:04am AEST

Geek Dudes S3 E1

The Geek Dudes have finally assembled for the first time in 2014 as S3 E1 arrives to geek up your week!

Its an all news and rant extravaganza as Brave Dave, Dirty Uncle Mitch, Chris and Jonsey discuss everything from Marvel/DC casting news, Robocop reviews, Nina Turtles and Transformers thoughts, geeky Christmas gifts, squirting and so much more.

Direct download: GeekDudesS3E1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep 17 'A Very Geeky Christmas'

Ho Ho Hey Now!

The end of Year Christmas extravaganza is here to make out with you under the mistletoe as 'Mr DC' Brave Dave, Ol'Dirty Mitch, Chris and Jonsey sip on some egg nog and geek it up one last time for the year.

The show kicks off with 'Arrow Watch' which leads into a big discussion about all the awesome news floating about including The Flash and Wonder Woman rumours, The MANY villans of Amazing Spiderman 2, X Men Apocalypse and much more

Also, 'were mobies better back in the day' Bane belts out a massive Elton hit and Chris tortures everyone with his 'ALL TIME TOP 5 CHRISTMAS MOVIES OF ALL TIME'

Thank you for listening to and supporting us in 2013 and we look forward to geeking out with you again next year.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12pm AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep16

The Geek Dudes return in an all new episode where they discuss The XBones release, Dave says 'F You' to everyone and everything, Chris takes a crap on MOTU's new artist, we ask again were movies better back in the day? and Bane belts out another Elton John Classic.

All that plus a heap more in a fun show

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:10am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep15

An all new Geek Dudes Podcast is here to tickle your nerdy senses.

Brave Dave, Ol'Dirty Mitch, Chris and Jonsey discuss on this episode:

Jonsey STUPIDLY recommending the podcast to women he has dated (seriously)

A non spoiler look at Thor 2

A Mandarin twist on the rocks

Superhero Docimentaries 

Cap and X Men Trailer discussion

Arrow/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D watch

WB should have never released Green Lantern

Australia celebrats its piracy supremecy 

Alan Moore and Watchmen talk

Superman Figure watch (spoiler: NONE HAVE SOLD)

Were movies better back in the day?(tm)

and Dave debuts the awesome new segment: Elton John Songs Sang In Banes Voice

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm AEST

Geek Dudes S2E14

Hey now,

The Geek Dudes return to rock your world with the usual geek talk mixed in with filth.

ODM, Strange Dave, Chris and Jonsey return and discuss:

Mitch does LA

ARROW WATCH (plastic surgery edition

Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D splits the team

a double shot of 'FU I Like IT'

Whos your Barry Botwick?

Chris attempts to clean up his act

Comic Book talk

Michael Bay ATTACKED!

Were Movies Better Back In The Day?(tm)

and all the usual chaos inbetween

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:17am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep13

A new episode of The Geek Dudes Podcast is here to nerden up your eardrums!

On this episode, Dave, Mitch, Chris and Jonsey discuss:

More Baffleck madness and why Affleck selling you his house doesnt make him a good Batman

The new Robocop movie

Dirty Uncle Mitch hates everything

Chris buys even more toys yet NOONE is buying Mattels DC movie figures

Beware The Batman 

LOTS of Comics talk

Grant Morrisons take on the ending of The Kiling Joke

and the usual filth and madness at the end of the show including a fascinating look at a dating service Jonsey is using that apparently run by Tilda Swinton 

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm AEST

Geek Dudes S2E12 AFFLECK!!!!!

We have rushed out S2 Ep12 of Geek Dudes to discuss the news that had broken the interwebbs...AFFLECK IS BATMAN! AHHHHHHHHH!

We also managed to somehow have an even more ridiculous close than last shows ending.


Direct download: GeekDudesS2E12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:18am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep11

S2 Ep11 of The Geek Dudes Podcast is here and contains an epic meltdown!

Chris, Dave and Dirty Uncle Mitch discuss their purchases recently, what comics have they been checking out? Some Transformers talk, were movies better back in the day? ANOTHER Star Wars prequel fight that leads into one of the team losing it (guess who)

A fun episode for (almost) everyone so check it out!

Direct download: GeekDudes_S2_E11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:36pm AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep10 SDCC

The latest episode of the Geek Dudes Podcast is here to cause nerdgasms in all of your trousers regardless of gender or species!

Join Chris, Mitch, Dave and Jonsey as they take a look at SDCC from this year!

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06am AEST

Geek Dudes S2E9 Man Of Steel Special

Hey Nooooooow!

S2Ep9 of Geek Dudes is here and its our Man Of Steel Special-where the Geek Dudes look at and debate the most anticipated geeky film of 2013.

Dave, Mitch, Chris and even Jonsey break down what they loved and hated about the film with the passion you would expect after the build up.

Chris also addresses the Action Figure Blues Podcast/LEGO-LAYGO debate.

This is a must listen to episode if you have seen Man Of Steel and if you havent, what they hell are you doing? Go see it!

Would love to hear your thoughts at and we are now on The Twitter Machine @geekdudes

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep8

Brave Dave returns as the Geek Dudes are back for another episode.

on this episode:

E3 discussion

PS4 wiped the floor with the X Box One

Should Nintendo give up on hardware and focus on publishing?

Outrage at Man Of Steel coming out in Australia 2 weeks after U.S

is the mixed feedback so a far a worry?

Game Of Thrones 'Red Wedding' causes emotional trauma

Aussies loves to steal

Superman Unchained, listener feedback and much more

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 E7

The Geek Dudes are back but missing Dave who was busy entertaining the masses at a wrestling show.

Chris, Mitch and Jonsey try to fill the void left by his greatness.

Discussed on this weeks show:

Tenacious D

Chicken Parmagania

Star Wars new animated show 'Rebel Forces'

Marvels S.H.I.E.L.D and the awesomness of TV

Game Of Boobs

Arrow is awesome!

Star Trek 2 and whats wrong with ladies in their undies?

Google ruins everything

Miss Loud would do anything for love

The Yub Nub revolution

a look at The Xbox One announcement and plenty more geeky goodness.

Checkout our facebook page @ and subscribe on itunes!

ps come back Brave Dave-you're our only hope

a look at the XBox One in all its mediocre glory

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:44am AEST

Geek Dudes S2E6

The Geek Dudes return in a timely fashion for an all new podcast episode to tickle your nerd bone (wherever that is?)

Chris, Mitch and Dave take a look at Free Comic Book Day and give a recap of the activities in Melbourne,

The Awesomeness of the current Ninja Turtles Cartoon,

Dave gives his thoughts on Windows, Android and Apple tablets

Has Dave turned to the Dark Side of Apple?

Were Movies Better today or 2001 and plenty more geeky goodness.

Spread the word and please give our facebook page a like @

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:22am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 E5

The Geek Dudes are back and have managed to upload a show 2 days after recording!!!!!

A new era has arrived for The Geek Dudes and kicks off with a bang as Chris once again screws up the intro.

But they do rebound to dazzle and entertain the masses/clickbots

On this episode:

The team introduce their new producer

Cosplay horror stories

Dave and Mitch explain to a sexist pig that 'Cosplay doesnt=consent'

Thoughts on Melbourne Supernova comic con

Superman, Thor 2 and all the new trailers that have got us giddy

What the team have been reading

Dave and Mitch yet again try and save the show from Chris as they explore sexisim in comics

Were movies better today or 1987? 

and an indepth look at Iron Man 3

Direct download: GeekDudesS2E5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:52am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep4 Interview with Derek Francis

After negotiations with our legal department and having to make some edits, the Chinese Democracy of podcasts is here!

On epsode 4 of season 2 of GEEK DUDES- Chris, Mitch and Dave not only bring you the usual news and geeky discussion but we also have a chat with Derek Francis about his time working at Melbourne Comic Book instituation 'Alternate Worlds'.

Derek gves a fascinating insight to what the comic/geek scene was like in Australia in Melbourne in the 90's. 

A must listen to episode and we thank Derek for coming on the show

Direct download: GeekdudesS2ep4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:59am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep3 NSFW Edition

The Geek Dudes return for another show and we get to hear what happens when they record well past their bedtime.

In a very blue episode of The Geek Dudes Podcast-Chris, Dave and Mitch go over the happenings in Superman, Justice Leauge, Uncanny X-Men and take a good look at the final issue of the Batman saga 'Death Of The Family.

Also, 'Arrow Watch', 'We Didnt Know The Lyrics' and 'Were Movies Better Back In The Day' return and we dicuss the battle of The Nintendo Entertainment System vs The Sega Master System.

But the show goes to hell though as 'Slash' fiction is discussed....

Not a show for the kiddies folks but a good bit of fun for older ears (not sure the show has ever been kid friendly?)

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Season_2_Episode_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:11am AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep2

The Geek Dudes return to talk JJ and Star Wars! 

Also, the usual comic book and toys talk,

'Arrow Watch'-has one of the team bailed????

'Were Movies Better Back In The Day?'

and 'We Didnt Know The Lyrics' makes its triumphant return!

Along with all the usual debauchery its a fun show. 

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_S0202.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:23pm AEST

Geek Dudes S2 Ep1

Christmas is over and an awesomely Geeky 2013 has begun.

Chris, Dave and Mitch are back to talk about all the news over the break and discuss what they are looking forward to in 2013.

This episode was recorded before the JJ/Wars announcement but rest assured there will be plenty of talk about that in the coming episodes.

Please like The Geek Dudes Facebook page @ and leave us a review on itunes

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Season_2_Episode_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 7

Geekmas Festivities are here to be enjoyed and the final Geek Dudes of 2012 has arrived!

Apart from the usual Geeky Goodness we also discuss our fave Christmas TV specials and Christmas present Greatness and disappointments.

We thank everyone who listened and supported the show in its first year and cant wait to come back in Jan 2013.

We hope you and your loved ones have a awesome and safe Christmas/New Years and may you get lots of toys and comics in your stockings.

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Episode_007.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 6


The Geek Dudes are back on your listening device!

On this weeks episode:


Ironman 3 discusi...look we discuss many cool things but FREAKING EPISODE 7 IS COMING!

Let the nerdgasm begin

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Episode_006.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10pm AEST

Geek Dudes Mini- Interview with Cassandra James

A few weeks back at Armageddon Expo, Dave sat down with the talented Cassandra James to discuss her newly released work on Alex De Campi's 'Valentine' comic book, how she broke into comics and why she wants to be there?

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Interview_001_Cassandra_James.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 5

Geek Dudes Episode 5-The Mega Powers Explode!

On this episode:

TV and Movies discussion

Must Ryan Reynolds ruin everything?

Great Strip Club aliases

The teams thoughts on Arrow-FULL OF SPOILERS

Thoughts on the new Ninja Turtles series

Fury at Elementary (without seeing it)

The Joker has returned!

Were movies better back in the day?

We Didnt Know The Lyrics

Do Books ruin movies?

Who Lost Their Smile? returns and F.U I like IT debuts

Plus much more

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Episode_005_MASTER.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:35pm AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 4

Geek Dudes episode 4 is here discussing all sorts of Geekery!

Discussed on this episode:

Mitch captures the title of 'Mr Podcast'

The iphone 5 is here but is it any good?

Finding Toys in the wild

Daves amazing Geekly arrival

TV Shows holding up today

Matty Collector Shenanigans

Comic Book news

Appropriate comic books for kids

Disaster hits 'We Didn't Know The Lyrics'

The closest battle of 'Were Movies Better Back In The Day?'

Geek Dudes clangers

'Spank Choice Of The Week' heads East

And Chris continues to fight for the prequels honor 

Direct download: 04_Geek_Dudes_Episode_004.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:09am AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 3

Episode 3 of Geek Dudes is here- HUZZAH!

On this episode:

The iphone 5 is here so let the Apple and Android fan boys battle it out.

Will Nintendo's Wii U suck us all in again to buy it?

Lobo and Ant Man are heading to our screens

Animated happenings

DC '0'

We Didn't Know The Lyrics

Were moves better back in the day?

The greatness of Gangnum Style and Ellen gets called a terrible, terrible word

Dave wonders why there is no love for Wonder Woman, the team read some listener feedback and much more

Direct download: 03_Geek_Dudes_Episode_003.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:53pm AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 2

After a successful debut (thank you) the Geek Dudes return for all your geeky needs.

In this episode:

The amazing origin of the name 'Geek Dudes'

S.H.I.E.L.D gets its own tv show

Star Wars Clone Wars and Detours plus a butchering of the name 'Ahsoka Tano'

DC's big new Romance

Another installment of 'Were movies better back in the day?'

The continuing saga of 'We Didnt Know The Lyrics'

The Great Superman movie debate and we read some listener feedback

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Episode_002.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53pm AEST

Geek Dudes Episode 1

The Debut episode of Geek Dudes is here!

Discussed on this episode:

We meet hosts Chris, Dave and Mitch

Movie discussions including a broken promise to not discuss the Dark Knight Rises for too long

Acceptable Remake timeframes

Are we all sick of origin stories?

Whats everyone reading?

The first installment of 'We Didnt Know The Lyrics'

Who lost their smile? and 'Spank Choice Of The Week'

Direct download: Geek_Dudes_Episode_001_19-08-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm AEST